Anne Rice

             An author creates a door to the subconscious that transports you to a dreamland, a place whose very existence is based on your imagination alone. Controlled by the pages of text before you, the land of enchantment is formed, awaiting its quest to be embarked upon. A writer who possesses such a gift of creation is Anne Rice.
             Anne is one who can accomplish all with in her writing. She succeeds in creating an adventurous mind indulging experience for her readers. Her creations consist of mystical beings of the supernatural, whose enchantments subsist in the real every day world. Mrs. Rice contributes such detail to her characters and settings that they exist to all senses but touch.
             Born on October 4th, 1941, Anne was given the name Howard O'Brien, after her Father. Not surprisingly she despised her birth name and demanded to be called Anne, this officially began on the first day of school when she was asked her name. It simply stayed through out her life then on after.
             Though not seeming so, Anne's family, along with most middle class families of the time, were struggling with financial needs. This may have been one of the major causes of her moms drinking problems, who, in fall of 1956, died from such alcohol abuse, leaving Anne the role of mother to her two younger sisters at the mere age of 15. It is thought that this experience is what created some of Anne's unique style, for her stories consisted of such detail that they seemed to be written as through seen from a drunk's perspective, whose mind influenced by alcohol can't see a difference of real and fantasy.
             To escape such dismal memories, she and her family moved to Richardson, Texas, where on a lighter note, she met her now beloved husband, Stan Rice. The two shared a high school journalism class, and quickly bonded. However in fall of 1959, Anne went off to Denton where she attend

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Anne Rice. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:39, February 22, 2025, from