Chinese History

             Throughout most of the Empires that we reviewed Dynasties rule. If your not part of a powerful family (Dynasty), then you had a very slim chance of moving up in the political or social ladder. In my paper I will try to prove my point in saying that once born into a low or high social structure you will probably remain in that structure throughout your life. Only under extreme circumstances could you make a leap from peasant to Elite.
             In China the political elite were ruled under a system of emperors (ruled by single a single family called dynasties). Some dynasties could be destroyed by political takeover then another family will become emperors. An example of the political elite were the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). Besides the emperor and his family most of the social elites were scholar bureaucrats and gentry. Under the gentry came peasants, Arisans and then merchants. The scholar bureaucrats were socially equal with the gentry. Even with the social elite they wore distinctive clothing (black gowns with blue borders). The elite status was justified through the emperor and his family. If your family is strong you are strong, if born poor you will usually stay poor. These were thoughts of society in 16th century china.
             In Vietnam the political elite were ruled under the dynasty. Some dynasty could be overthrown due to political takeover. In Vietnam the family is regarded as the entity which the entire social system is modeled. From 1428 to 1788 Le Dynasty ruled the political elite. The social elite was split into two parts North and South. North social elite were influenced by china, South social elite were influenced by Southeast Asia. In Vietnam the elite status was justified through the dynasty and tradition.
             In the Ottoman empire the political elite were ruled under a sultan, This sultan was selim he reigned from 1512 to 1520 then from1520 to1561 sultan suleyman and the magnificent ruled. Every one is the sultans slave

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Chinese History. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:59, February 23, 2025, from