Rehab for drunk drivers (as oposed to jail time)

             Every year thousands of drivers enter the road intoxicated and unable to properly operate a vehicle. Of these thousands of drivers, many cause harmful or even fatal accidents. I propose these drunk drivers enter strict rehab rather than enduring jail time. Although negligence if often the case in drunk driving accidents, jail time may be too harsh for minor infractions. Treating the problem where is starts will help prevent these accidents from occurring in the first place.
             Drunk driving can be a sensitive subject for Americans considering that in 2002, 17419 people were killed in drunken driving related accidents, in fact three out of every ten people face the probability of being directly involved in an alcohol related traffic accident. If so many Americans are affected by drunk driving ever year, why not take a different approach to the problem at hand, and prevent innocent lives from being taken.
             Because drunk driving is such a common occurrence, much has been done to try and prevent drunk drivers from entering the road. Harsh punishments for drunk drivers are in effect because it is considered a felony. DUI or Driving under the influence is punishable by jail time, fees, or suspension of ones license. License suspension almost always follows conviction when a person refuses to take a chemical test. Removal of people's licenses has been proven to be more affective than traditional post conviction sanctions, but it is not enough. Drivers get back on the road not thinking about the fact that they might have a problem, or they try driving home one more time, again and again until it is over. Drunk driving is caused my negligence. People just do not know the severity of what they are doing until it is too late. We must take the time to inform students, family members, and friends about the real dangers of drunk driving.
             After someone has dealt with the tragedy of losing a friend or loved one, after

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Rehab for drunk drivers (as oposed to jail time). (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 06:04, February 02, 2025, from