Why Should We Legalize Jueteng?

             Betting on dreams is the business of gambling. There is a prospect of becoming a millionaire overnight even just a few thousand pesos richer. Indeed, the poor majority seem to find a real bargain in betting, no matter what odds of winning are.
             Jueteng, in the eyes of the law and government is illegal. Why is jueteng illegal? What is illegal here is its "operation" as they don't have the necessary permit or authority to operate the game or business. However, the act of betting is not evil or illegal. Lets take the case of an ordinary store that operates without the necessary license. This business operation is illegal due to lack or absence of the necessary license. However, buying from this store is not illegal. The act of betting is a social act aside from an act of personal desire to win some money. The choice of money of numbers is something that generates discussions and exchanges. It is not something that is done in secrecy behind closed doors. What is so terrible about? If the poor and destitute to put their last savings- and their last hope- into bet on three numbers, lotto or fighting cock, they do so out of their own free will. The illegality of jueteng obviously doesn't stop people from betting.
             Jueteng provides recreation especially to the masses. It entertains the players. It doesn't require much investment on the part of the player. It can be played by bets ranging from P.05 above, depending on what the player can afford to risk. It can provide as much entertainment as casinos, jai alai and the like. Jueteng is being brought to the reach of people who wants low-cost entertainment. This is such a beautiful way of making people happy, hopeful and entertained.
             As an operating business, jueteng provides jobs to plenty of unemployed masses, People who are in dire need of work to earn a living for their families. In our economic situation today, faced by the unresolved problem of unemploym

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Why Should We Legalize Jueteng?. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 14:20, March 28, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/11626.html