Teen Violence

             Teen violence is very common over the U.S. "Violence is the threat or use of force that injures or intimidates a person or damages property" (Hoffman 1). "The United States of America, perhaps the greatest democracy in the history of the world, is also the most violent industrialized society in the world today" (Hoffman 3). One of the problems to blame is parents. "Parents who abuse alcohol are more prone to be physically abusive to and neglectful of their children" (Greenhaven 32). Parents need to keep a better watch on there kids. Teenagers have too much free time. If teenagers were participating in an after school event or working at a jobsite then less time would be spent on the streets. Drugs are a contributor to violence as well. "When teens buy illegal drugs, they become part of a drug culture that is linked to violence at every turn from addicts preying on the innocent for money to buy drugs, to savage wars among drug kingpins"(Stewart 56-7). Low self-esteem is to blame also. When students continually pick or check another student you may not know it but that student is starting to think more and more about it until one day there going to snap and seriously hurt or kill somebody. "Suggested causes include the corrupting influence of violence in the popular culture-especially on television and in rap music; an abusive family environment" (Bender 5).
             "Research had failed to clearly establish that single-parent families are a primary cause of juvenile delinquency" (Bender 3). In a single parent home the parent is always working so therefore the child is never supervised. He or she is either home alone or out at a friends house. When a child is not supervised they think that they can get away with anything because their parents are never home. "Quite often, the violent teenager has learned that violence is the way to cope with anger and frustration&...

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Teen Violence. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 23:42, February 01, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/11732.html