Critique of Fahrenheit 9/11

             "Fahrenheit 9/11" is a very biased film that brings out the faults, facts, and other information that has been released to the general public. The facts that are stated in the film make people question the credibility of our current commander in chief, President George W. Bush. His actions and statements on several instances are a poor representation of the United States of America and what our nation stands for.
             The documentary is successful in many ways as Moore fills the movie with a huge propaganda technique called card stacking. Card stacking is simply the art of pointing out the pros or cons of a specific subject, and in this case, the cons of President Bush. Critic Anton Bitel states that, "[the film] is significant for outside of America; George Bush is probably the least admired president that the US has ever had, so that, before a European audience, Moore is largely preaching to the converted." I too agree that when seen by other countries, their response to the film will be of no shock. This gives the countries an inside look at the ill decisions made by the president in a very biased way (Bitel).
             What appears to be random interviews with people on the streets, Moore tries to show how the "majority" of the country feels regarding the ill decisions of our president, Moore shows how the "majority" of the country feels. However in actuality he is showing a fairly slanted view to put his point across. If you followed the news through all the instances Moore shows throughout the documentary you will find little new here (Bitel). Some information new to the public though can come to a shock, and wasn't seen on the news. This is good seeing new documents for the first time intertwined with information that the government has allowed the public to see as it gives the people something to think about and question the efforts and decisions of what the President is saying or trying to ac...

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Critique of Fahrenheit 9/11. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:28, February 23, 2025, from