
             a) Fixed smear of Serratia marcescens et al
             Prepare a fixed smear of Serratia marcescens, et al, using proper aseptic technique. Cover the dried, heat-fixed smear with paper towel. Drop carbolfuchsin onto the paper towel. Steam the smear for five minutes over the slightly boiling water. Let the slide cool for about a minute. Take the paper towel off with forceps and rinse the slide with water. Drop acid-alcohol onto the slide and rinse immediately with distilled water. Rock the smear in acid-alcohol to decolorize it for about 15 seconds. Rinse with distilled water. Add methylene blue to the smear. Wait one minute and then rinse with distilled water. Blot slide and let dry.
             a) Fixed smear of Bacillus subtillis
             Prepare a fixed smear of Bacillus subtillis using aseptic technique. Place a
             piece of paper towel over the dried, heat-fixed smear. Drop the malachite green
             onto the paper towel. Steam over the slightly boiling water for five minutes. Cool
             the slide for one minute, remove paper towel, and decolorize using a water rinse
             from 15 to 30 seconds. Drop safranin onto the smear and wait one minute. Rinse
             with distilled water. Blot the slide and let dry.
             After completing the acid-fast stain and the Gram stain, the microbiology student knows how to prepare an acid-fast stain and a Gram stain correctly and aseptically.

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