Diversity in Animal Fauna

             All of the key Canadian animals have adapted to their environment in some way. Grizzly bears have adapted to its climate conditions of their environment, by eating large amounts of food during summer and spring. Then, they go in hibernation during the wintertime, until spring arrives. Because they have eaten so much during the summer and spring, they can go to sleep for months without having to get hungry. Mountain goats have also adapted to its climate conditions of their environment, by growing a very thick layer of shaggy fur coat. This thick layer of shaggy fur keeps them warm in the cold and high elevated parts of the mountain.
             In Canada, there are also animals that have adapted to the type of vegetation found in their environments. The bison is one such animal as it has adapted to the vegetation of plains and prairies. It feeds on grass, which is the dominant vegetation of the plains. This animal also pulls the grass rather then biting it off, to get the lower tender stem. The moose is another animal, which has adapted to the type of vegetation of their environment. It did this by dwelling on twigs, leaves, barks and shrubs, which are the dominant types of vegetation found in their habitats.
             In other cases, animals have adapted to the landform of their habitat. One such animal is the beaver. It has adapted to its habitat's swampy landform by growing a large flat tail to help them move through the water, and to help them build stable homes in the water. In addition, it has also grown large front teeth to help them gnaw down nearby trees, to use its branches and twigs to build its dams. Polar bears have also adapted to the type of landform of their habitat. Polar bears have grown fur in the slits of their paws, which cover their paws. This helps them to make their way on the slippery glacier or ice of the north by producing more friction.
             Other animals such as raccoons have adapted to their environment by developing...

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Diversity in Animal Fauna. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:47, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/17653.html