Peter Skrzynecki

             Skrzynecki's poetry has shown to do more than just recall the journey he and his family have made from their homeland. His poetry has also shown to continue this journey and also invites the reader to participate through his luscious usage of descriptive languages and imagery. Such poetry that serves this function includes Feliks Skrzynecki and Migrant Hostel and Postcard. Throughout the 3 poems, all three are shown to hold one particular theme, journey. Each poem is shown to relate to a different period of that journey indirectly, through the usages of description of a particular thing, event or person, which he found to be significant during this period.
             Migrant Hotel is an example, which may be seen to emphasise the early journey which Peter Skrzynecki experiences, commenting on his experiences during his arrival into Australia. Peter's description during his stay shows a negative attitude towards his arrival in this new country, often commenting it in relation to concentration camps, where people were treated as a flow of traffic, known as numbers coming and going, "No one...comings and goings." Peter is shown to adopt an adult migrant role in this poem, one who has yet to adopt to the Australian society in the mid 20th century, often relating to the stuffiness and low maintenance of the camps like concentration or dentation camps. Where ethnic minority group where formed, perhaps in response to the application of the Assimilation policy during that period, "Nationalities sought". However, despite Peter's negative comments of the Australian camps during that time, Peter also emphasises the opportunity to be able to start a new life after the great loss during the Warsaw bombing, where they came from, described in Peter Skrzynecki poem, "Postcard". Peter's memories of the war "By memories of hunger and hate" seeking of common people of the past &q

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Peter Skrzynecki. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:07, February 08, 2025, from