Globalization and the Role of the American Culture in the World

             Globalization is a generic term used to encompass the changes that take place at all life levels, including economy, politics, business and even culture. It is undoubted that the United States of America played a key role in the expansion of the concept. Proof of this stand the American firms that have become international symbols, such as IBM, Microsoft or McDonald's. The two articles present rather opposite view points in regard to Americans' expansion and influence over the Asian and European continents and consequently life styles. China's Big Mac Attack presents the globalization issue from a more understanding view point, emphasizing the advantages and current features that support globalization. On the other hand, The World: Heartburn; Fearful Over the Future, Europe Seizes on Food presents a more drastic view point and emphasizes on the disadvantages of American interventions.
             Globalization is the new era of marketing, international growth and expansion and the two articles represent the different reactions to the global phenomenon. Watson's article understands and explains the American expansion to other countries and relates it to the economic, political and social changes that sit at its basis. Cohen's article however presents a rather trenchant situation, in which Europeans are forced to renounce their values and replace them with the American way. The two articles represent the fight between opposite perception of globalization, between acceptance and denial of globalization, between the old continent who does not wish to renounce its beliefs and the new one, who adapts to global changes; the fight between conservatives and liberals.
             China's Big Mac Attack explains the success of American companies in the world by presenting the most relevant example of McDonalds' in China. The market penetration was generally possible due to the new features of the liberalized market, the changes...

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Globalization and the Role of the American Culture in the World. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:32, February 26, 2025, from