
             The Lasting Impact of Reagan's Presidency
             The 40th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan, died this past week and with his passing many have begun to look back upon his presidency. When doing so, one soon realizes that he is a president who will not be forgotten because of his lasting effect on this country, but even more so because of his lasting effect in foreign affairs.
             Regan's successes in foreign affairs began early in his presidency. On his inauguration day, Iran released American hostages that they had held for over one year. Adamantly against the Soviet Union and the Kremlin, in one of his first news conferences as a president, Reagan expressed his beliefs that the Soviets were the "focus of evil the modern world". He believed in threatening Moscow by expanding the military capabilities of the United States. In early 1983 Reagan announced his plan for the building of the Strategic Defense Initiative which would orbit battle stations from space and vaporize any missiles anThe Killing Fields begins in Cambodia during the time of conflict between the government and the Kemar Rouge. At this time, a reporter named Sydney Schulenburg is tracking the conflicts between the Cambodian government and the Kemar Rouge. A Cambodian native named Dith Pran helps Sydney in his reporting job. Dith becomes both Sydney's friend and helper as he works with the reporter to ....d could possibly save the world from a "nuclear nightmare". He eventually drove the Soviets into an almost collapse; securing a victory in the Cold War for his follower in office and by the end of his second term, he began asking for reconciliation and a reduction of arms on both sides. Ronald Reagan also became knows as the "Teflon President" because nothing "bad" would stick to him for long. After Israel invaded Lebanon, Reagan sent forces to help keep international peace. 200 soldiers were killed by a suicide bomber but Reagan suffered no pol...

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reagan. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 01:35, February 23, 2025, from