Japan's influence on Korea

             It was in 1945 when Korea gained its independence from Japan after Japan's ruler surrendered to the United States. This was the end of the harsh treatment of the Korean people under Japanese occupation. This historical period was equally as brutal and inhumane as the treatment of the Jews by Nazi Germany. Korea was stripped of all its rights and the Korean people were forced under Japanese reign from August 22, 1910, to August 15, 1945. During this thirty-five year rule, Japan's occupation in Korea put a huge impact on the country. In some instances, many of Japan's influences on Korea was beneficial, yet much of it was also a motive to strip Korea of its unique culture and transform it into a Japanese state.
             After being in a desperate economic situation, Japan's main intent of occupying Korea was to exploit its natural resource such as rice, metal, and coal. Its central economy was on the brink of bankruptcy due to expenditures for fighting the Russo-Japanese War of 1904. However, in 1910, according to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Japan's true objective was to "enlighten" and "civilize" all the people of East Asia as well as spread peace. On August 29, 1910, the Japanese emperor issued his Imperial Rescript, announcing that the people of Korea would be treated equal to the Japanese citizens and they would be able to have rights and privileges under his rule. Unfortunately, this promise was never put to use. The Koreans were force into cruel, "militaristic" power that led them into a horrific path towards slavery. Not only did these people lose their continuous independence that they had enjoyed for over five thousand years, but they also lost their lands and rights, and their whole lives were put into the hands of the Japanese and their system.
             One of the most controversial issues between Korea and Japan is that of the "comfort women" between 1932-1945...

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Japan's influence on Korea. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 03:26, February 23, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/20737.html