langauge of alcohol advertisin

             Research into the language of Alcohol Advertising
             In the modern "scientific world" the growth of technology and the status of living have also increased the demand of alcohols. People's desire for relief after a long stress work or their routine life was captured by the alcohol industries which is the main ingredient in their success. They manipulate the desire in order to sell their product. They tell all stuff that makes a reader fall into their trap and buy the product.
             The focus of my research was to investigate the ways in which advertisers appeal the readers, especially young men and women too. I focused on display advertisements from popular magazines as there is a greater sector of language techniques to discuss. I chose a particular number of advertisements for alcoholic products.
             The advertisers of ""SAM ADAMS LIGHT"" mainly target the readers by using hyperbole like "The BEST TASTING LIGHT BEER". Even the font and the style of the text "The" gives the reader a feeling that it is LIGHT and makes the user comfortable (attracts them to buy it).Personal pronouns like YOU and WE are used by the advertiser to involve the reader and make it seem as if the advertisement is peaking directly to the reader. Visual effects are cleverly used by the advertisers. By putting golden medal that has " 'WORLD BEER CHAMPIONSHIP' and world sign" beside the beer, the advertiser shows us that the product which the readers are seeing is the Best. The size of the beer which is big delivers the uniqueness of the brand. The Repetition of the sentence "THE BEST TASTING LIGHT BEER" puts pressure on the theme that it is the best. Even the sentences like, "There is gold in every sip of Sam Adams Light" and "Taste what judges best" gives an exaggerating effect. The repetition of the word "LIGHT" enforces the fact t...

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langauge of alcohol advertisin. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:14, February 28, 2025, from