Dorothy allison

             Dorothy Allison grew up in South Carolina in the poor working class. She felt that she never really fit in with society, but that has made her a lot stronger as a writer. In "This is Our World" she states that "the world is meaner than we think" (Allison 263). Two main points that relate to "the world is meaner than we think" are the views of society and interpretations of various art.
             Peoples views of society can be based on what they see, hear, or watch. The truth lies in what you believe in. Allison wrote various stories about "raped girls, brutal fathers, faithless mothers, and untrustworthy lovers" (263), which implies to me that she sees the world for what it really is. These people that kill, murder, and rape do not understand that they should be glad that they have the opportunity to live. Many people do not get that chance for various reasons (i.e. car wrecks, cancer, etc.). Everyone put on this Earth was placed here for a distinct reason. Our society is a "nation of nations" (263). There are people here from hundreds of different nations. What is seen in everyday life is everyone coexisting with each other. No matter if its dorks, gays, or ethical groups somehow the world still goes round. The diversity in our nation is what make it what it is. It's the few outcasts that cause the trouble in society. They think that they are doing the right, but really they are doing nothing but hurting others and most of all hurting themselves. Society is a focal point of cruely in the nation.
             The other cruelty in the nation is ridicule in interpretation. People in the lower class worry about what others will think about what they say. Particularly those who have had "mental and physical violence at home" (263). They do not want to open themselves up to society and let them know what they have went through. These people try to hide what has happened

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Dorothy allison. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 11:20, March 04, 2025, from