
             In the dictionary of the New King James Version of the Bible the term disciple is described as a learner. It is also stated as one who follows Jesus Christ. They were also described as being the first Christians. The disciples were from all different settings and conditions, but through the faith and love of Jesus Christ they were banded together to support one cause: to spread the word of God. The disciples went through many trials and tribulations and for the most part they stood up for what they believed in. Though times were hard many of them were willing to sacrifice their lives as Jesus did if it would better the community. Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Simon the Zealot, Judas, Matthias, and Paul were the chosen ones who were given the privilege to walk behind the footsteps of Jesus. This is their story.
             When one usually thinks of the disciples the usual suspect is Peter. When it is written in Matthew 10:1-4 the twelve disciples are named and Peter is mentioned first. He is usually also the first one to speak up and also the first to the action. Peter was the disciple who would speak out before he thought out what he had to say. Peter was very impulsive and he was also quick to speak and quick to act. We know more about Peter than any other disciple, he had many problems, but he was a man who loved his Master. God used Peter in a very special way. There were seven major episodes in Peter's life. The first of those is the miraculous catch of fish. Peter was a fisherman and he was out at sea at work when Jesus a carpenter was instructing him how to fish. He listened to the words that Jesus instructed and he caught a full load of fish. From there on Jesus told him that he would be a fisher of men and Peter followed. The next episode was when Jesus walked on water. It was a very stormy night and all of the disciples were out in the water when they saw a figure in the water. They did n...

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Disciples. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 21:10, March 06, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/27204.html