Henrik Ibsen's

             Unfortunately in today's society, men and women are still viewed as unequal. Men are seen as the dominant, strong providers; while women are viewed as the docile homemakers. This male domination can be seen in Henrik Ibsen's play "A Doll House". This play focuses on the way women are seen, especially in the context of marriage and motherhood.
             Torvald has a very clear and narrow definition of a woman's role. He believes that it is the sacred duty of a woman to be a good wife and mother. Torvald does not see Nora as a person, he sees her as something he must mold and create. He tells Nora that women are responsible for the morality of their children. "It's usually the mother's influence that's dominant. . ." (Ibsen 1149) Nora is not allowed to raise her children by herself. Torvald thinks she is not capable and may corrupt them. "Almost everyone who goes bad early in life has a mother who's a chronic liar." (Ibsen 1149) Torvald blames women for the corruption of their own children, never pointing any of the blame on the men. In essence, Torvald sees women as child-like, helpless creatures that are detached from reality.
             Torvald's conception of manliness is based on the value of total independence. He thinks that his business should not be discussed with women. When confronted with Nora's pleas to change his mind about Krogstad's dismissal, Torvald tells her that he would hate to appear to have been influenced by his wife. "What if it's rumored around now that the new bank manager was vetoed by his wife-" (Ibsen 1153) Torvald abhors the idea of financial or moral independence of anyone. "... I have strength and courage enough as a man to take on the whole weight myself." Torvald's desire for independence leads to the question of whether he is the one out of touch with reality.
             Throughout this play, Torvald continues to c...

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Henrik Ibsen's. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:14, February 22, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/27685.html