Cultural differences create a divide

             In the article "For 'New Danes,' Differences Create a Divide", Roger Cohen tells the love story of a young Turkish/New Danish couple who have had to endure the profound pain of family intolerance, but nonetheless have proven the old saying "love shall prevail" to be true by sticking together "for good and for worse."
             Bunyamin, son of Ali Simsek, is a true Dane in all but appearance, religion, and cultural traditions. He speaks fluent Danish, has a circle of Danish friends, and act like any "normal" Danish teenage boy would do, when he is away from home. At home, he is Turkish, pays his respect to his God, family and cultural idols, and act like a young Turkish man would do. Ali Simsek however, has not bothered to integrate into the Danish society. He is not able to speak the Danish language and he takes great pride in being chosen to be the spiritual leader of the many Turkish families living in the Aarhus district, which means that he, at all times, must act exceptionally well by Islam standards.
             Ali Simsek does not want Bunyamin to be Danish however, and thus he arranges a marriage for his son with the daughter of his best friend, who still lives in Turkey. Bunyamin, who has not even thought the option of declining this arrangement, accepts the marriage.
             Bunyamin's new wife, Sorgul, who has lived her entire life in a Turkish village, experiences great difficulty to adapt to the Danish society. This, inevitably, courses problems between the two newly wed. Bunyamin feels awkward and embarrassed to bring her to see his friends, when she is wearing a veil and no make up. Sorgul, on the other hand, refuses to give up these customs, as she wishes to preserve her family honor.
             Bunyamin eventually meets Fatma, a Turkish/New Danish girl like himself, whom he instantly falls in love with. The two of them begin to converse with one another on a frequent basis and though they see...

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Cultural differences create a divide. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 20:22, March 04, 2025, from