RL's Dream

             Walter Mosley is mostly known for his series of mystery writing about "Easy Rawlins". The Easy Rawlins series were the best selling crime thrillers he ever wrote. But Walter Mosley also wrote "RL's Dream" in which he wrote about a man named Soupspoon Wise whose life has been his music. In his life, Wise has been playing the Blues music all the time but his life also becomes like the Blues music.
             Blues music was always been used as a way of complaining to the society when it was played. This was a way in which the African American musician complained and expressed the black tragedy and discrimination done to them by the American (White People) Society. Also, Blues music was related to the depression faced by the African Americans. In the novel "RL's Dream" by Walter the main character Soupspoon Wise was a blues man who was depressed with his life. The aging Soupspoon Wise was lonely, ill and dying of cancer. This is one way of how Wise's life has become a depression and it a way of complaining to society like the Blues music. He is lonely and ill and suffering of empties and depression, which can lead to his death.
             Moreover, another way that Soupspoon's expresses his depressant life was talking to a young white woman who tries to save him from dying by looking after him when she found him near a dump. He tells Kiki his life story like how he grew up in the South haunted by the events that occurred in his early life. The racism and racists in the South gave him a sense of self worth and he also talked about the real history of Black people who were burned to death. Moreover, when he met Robert "RL" Johnson and played the his most remarkable music with his, this meeting still haunted him for the rest of his life because people said that Johnson traded his soul with the devil in return for an unlimited talent.
             So, you can see that even his most memorable ev

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RL's Dream. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:17, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/33913.html