kurt vonnegut research paper

             Kurt Vonnegut has been called a genius, a fraud, a psychotic, and even a guru throughout his achievement filled life by many different people from all different walks of life. His works have been discussed, read, praised, and criticized throughout the natural world. While some people regard his books as masterpieces, and cult classics, others categorize them as trash. Dozens of books he has written are considered ahead of their time. Kurt Vonnegut is a revolutionary thinker and author who expresses avant-garde ideas and views about society and life, which have made a lasting impression on the way people see the many different aspects of the world today.
             Vonnegut was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on Nov. 11th, 1922. His father, Kurt Sr. and his mother, Edith Lieber Vonnegut, raised him and his siblings, Bernard & Alice, in a two story house in the suburbs of Indiana (Klinkowitz XI). Vonnegut attended Shortridge High School where he was an active member on the school paper (Litz 134). He later went on to Cornell University, and then graduated from the University of Chicago with a Masters Degree in Anthropology (Litz 132). Throughout his school career, Vonnegut held many positions, from editor to columnist with his school and local papers.
             In Vonnegut's life there were many influential people including friends, teachers, and most of all his father. When his father died, he was heartbroken, but he later said that this experience gave him more passion for his writing (Vonnegut 53). When Vonnegut's brother in-law and sister died, both within 48 hours, Vonnegut was devastated (Vonnegut 51). This was a major loss for him and almost too much to bear. But, with the love and support he received from close friends and remaining family, he was able to endure the trauma. This also gave him more to write about because his works revolved around personal life experiences (Vonnegut 48). By incorporating personal perspectives ...

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kurt vonnegut research paper. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 11:33, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/35850.html