Air Pollution in Ontario

             Air pollution is a major topic in our society it is a subject to be taken seriously because it causes many problems in our environment causing it to be very unhealthy for our living lifestyle. Air pollution is described as the accumulation of something where it is not wanted and the introduction of something into the environment that adversely affects the environment or the usefulness of it's components.
             Many different types of pollutants are produced in our air that we humans basically are responsible for. Like Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which is a natural component of air. But it is also a pollutant. By burning fossil fuels we release an average of 5.6 billion molecules of CO2 every year. But we are headed into a world where we can automatically change that number to 30 billion in a matter of years. Another pollutant is Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is a product of combustion and it is primarily made from motor vehicles. It produces many hazardous problems for us humans because it's a dangerous molecule, produces a poisonous gas, causes impaired vision and poor coordination, headaches, angina and the worst of all death. It is contributor to smog. Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) which is the burning of fossil fuels like coal which is used to generate electricity, also produced from ore smelters, chemical plants and trash burning facilities. This also has it's toll on our environment in which it limits visibility when in the air, causes problems for the respiratory systems and makes plant leaves yellow. This molecule combines with water vapour to form Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4) which is a corrosive substance that damages the lungs and eats away iron and steel. This molecule is a major component of Acid Rain. Nitric Oxide (NO) is a pollutant produced from the burning of fossil fuels and is quickly changed to Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2). When combined the two gases are generally defined as Nitrogen Oxides (NOX). Motor vehicles ar...

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Air Pollution in Ontario. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:00, March 04, 2025, from