There are eight different species of bears found throughout
             the world: the spectacled bear, the Asiatic black bear, the brown
             bear (including grizzlies), the polar bear, the sun bear, the
             American black bear, the sloth bear and the giant panda.
             Even though most people can distinguish a polar bear from a brown
             bear by the color of the fur, a lot of people fail to identify all the
             differences among those two species. Both bears can be perceived as
             large, clumsy and lumbering beasts with heavily built bodies but short
             legs, necks and tails. Both of them have rounded ears and noticeably
             small eyes relative to their large body size. While both of the bears
             belong to same family, they have several profound differences. They
             live in different geographical areas, differ in amount of the
             population, size, physical features, some eating habits, and their
             The polar bear is found in all of the polar regions of the entire
             northern hemisphere. This includes Russia, Norway, Greenland, The
             United States and Canada. Their preferred habitat is in the area where
             the northern seas meet the shoreline. In this area, there is a constant
             freezing and thawing of the ice. It is estimated that there are
             currently somewhere between 20,000 and 40,000 polar bears.
             The polar bear is the largest member of the bear family, weighing
             in at between 440 and 1760 pounds with overall body length 11.5 feet.
             It can grow much larger, however. In fact, there is a record of an
             adult polar bear weighing over 2200 pounds.
             Polar bears have a distinctive all white fur which is important
             camouflage when hunting on the ice pack. Their actual color of the
             skin is black which is thought to be an adaptation for better heat
             retention. Compared to the other bears, the neck of polar bear is
             much longer. This makes it easier for the

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POLAR vs BROWN BEAR. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:54, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/41415.html