Microsot Word 2000

             -The creator of the popular Windows operating system founded by Bill Gates.
             (http://www.microsoft.com/office/order/pricing.htm, 2000)
             Microsoft Word 2000 is generally purchased as a part of the Office 2000 package.
             The New User/Retail Upgrade Price when purchased with the:
             -Premium Package (including: Word, Excel, Outlook, - -Publisher, Small Business Tools, Access, PowerPoint, FrontPage and PhotoDraw) - $1,299/$699 CAN
             -Professional Package (including: Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher, Small Business Tools, Access and PowerPoint) - $929/$539 CAN
             -Small Business Package (including: Word, Excel, Outlook, Publisher and Small Business Tools) - $769/$389 CAN
             -Standard Package (including: Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint) - $769/$389 CAN
             -The New User/Retail Upgrade Price when purchased alone:
             (http://www.microsoft.com/office/word/Introduction.htm, http://www.microsoft.com/office/word/Streamline.htm, 2000)
             -Combines word processing with the Web (eg. documents can be sent by e-mail with the click of an icon or make it a Web page with a click of the mouse).
             -Integrated with all Office 2000 programs allowing for top-quality documents, presentations, Web pages, etc.
             -Proofing tools (AutoCorrect, Spelling and Grammar) available in English, French and Spanish.
             -Documents can be created and edited in just about any language as long as you have the font installed on your computer.
             (http://www.microsoft.com/office/word/Streamline.htm, 2000)
             -WYSIWYG(What You See Is What You Get) Font Menu: Gives you a preview of font styles before they are chosen.
             -You no longer have to press TAB or ENTER to get where you want to start with the new "Click and Type" feature.
             -"Collect and Paste": Allows you to store up to 12 cut or copied items and insert them all at o

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Microsot Word 2000. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 01:12, February 23, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/43390.html