
             Back in time when Greece was making its mark in history as one of the
             great civilization of the Ancient World, there was a great deal of emphasis on the
             Gods and Goddesses. To the Greeks the world was governed by the Gods and they
             were the reason many things happened in the world, mostly thing that where
             unexplainable. The goddess Athena was one of the many gods or goddesses that
             played a large role in Greek mythology. Even though Athena was the patron saint
             of Athens she supported other Greeks outside of Athens, such as, Achilles,
             Orestes, and especially Odysseus ("Athena"-1).
             Athena is know to be the goddess of war, guardian of cities, patroness of
             arts and crafts, and promoter of wisdom ("Images of Women..."-1). Athena's
             name actually came form the Cretan and Mycenean name Athene which predates
             the Greeks by about 1,500 years (Daly-20). The ending '-ene,' was set aside for
             royalty and goddesses, like Helene (Harris-4). She was also called by some Greeks
             as Pallas Athena. Not many people know where the name Pallas came from.
             Some legends say she obtained it from the giant Pallas that she killed in the war of
             the gods and giants (Grant-Hazel 83). Another legend says that Athena
             accidentally killed her childhood playmate Pallas. By taking Pallas' in front of her
             own, Athena shows the grief that she endured for the loss of her friend (Daly-20).
             Athena had such an impact on the Greeks that the Romans adopted her and called
             her Minerva ("Minerva"-1).
             The origins of Athena's name is not the only discrepancy that historians
             have had. The origin of where Athena came form is also a discrepancy. Zeus
             feared that he would be overcome by a son greater than he born from the
             intelligent Metis. To prevent this Zeus ate Metis. There for, Athena, in the most
             common legend, was born fully grown out of Zeus's head after Hep...

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Athena. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 02:07, January 30, 2025, from