The Myth of Apollo

             The purpose of this essay is to discuss the five monolithic theories of myth as described in GS Kirk The nature of Greek Myths (1974), in relation to the myth of Hymn to Pythian Apollo by Cynaethus (Kynaithos) of Chios .
             In the first part of the essay I will briefly summarize the Hymn to Pythian Apollo by Cynaethus (Kynaithos) of Chios . The second part will be a brief description of the five monolithic theories as set out by GS Kirk in The nature of Greek Myths .The third part of the essay will discuss the extent to which each of these five monolithic theories provides an explanation of that myth . The conclusion will be my opinion on which of the five theories best describes Hymn to Pythian Apollo and my arguments for this theory over the others .
             I will be using Hymn to Pythian Apollo in our text Classical Mythology images and insights by Harris and Platzner and The nature of Greek Myths by GS Kirk as my major source . In my essay I will be using the line numbering system as used in Classical Mythology images and insights as I don't have access to either the original text in the Greek or another English translation . A example of this would be;
             " It's here that I'm inclined 30
             to build a very beautiful temple, 31
             an oracle for mankind" 32
             This would be page 172, lines 30,31 and 32 of the Hymn to Pythian Apollo as printed in our text by .
             Chapter 3 of The Nature of Greek Mythology by G. S. Kirk describes the five monolithic theories . In reference to this work I will be using page numbers and paragraph from the 1974 edition (borrowed from Macquarie library) . A example of this would be
             "The first universal theory has all ready been touched upon:
             It maintains that all myths are nature myths"
             This is would be page 43 paragraph 2 of The nature of Greek Myths by GS Kirk
             All other references will be given in full as footnotes to the text of this essay ....

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The Myth of Apollo. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 16:09, February 08, 2025, from