Political Tribulations in South Africa

             South Africa has gone through many trials of tribulations throughout the 20th century. None, however, was as memorable as the implementation of the apartheid. With the apartheid came segregation particularly amongst the blacks and whites of society. The whites remained with the utmost privileges while the blacks practically were deprived of everything and placed into poverty-stricken areas known as townships. Many blacks were angered by this harsh treatment and great leaders such as Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu or even Steven Biko arose to fight the unjust prejudice. Although in the end, apartheid did vanish, the devastating events that occurred during the apartheid period would leave a permanent trace.
             In the early 1900s, the British had won the South African war and formed the Union of South Africa which included the Cape of Good Hope, Natal, The Orange Free State, and the Transvaal as their provinces. This brought the concept that the English were dominant in every aspect of that region. Under the Union's constitution, only the Dutch language and Afrikaans were equal to the English language. In 1910, Louis Botha had become the first Prime Minister and strongly contributed to the white control over South Africa. He along with many others such as H.F Verwoerd, B.J Vorster, and D.F Malan greatly strengthened the meaning of the apartheid by forming new laws that included the pass laws where most blacks had to carry as a form of identification and establishment of independent homelands for Africans. The Africans protested this through organizations such as the African National Congress and the Commercials Workers Union of Africa. A branch of the ANC known as the Pan-Africanist Congress was organized a peaceful protest against the passed laws but ended in police opening fire and wounding many protestors, which came to be known as the Sharpeville Massacre. Protestors who were in opposition to the apartheid were either placed into jail ...

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Political Tribulations in South Africa. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 23:47, February 01, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/4718.html