Momentous Decisions

             A momentous decision is an important decision, or a decision of
             great consequence, that may affect a certain group of people to a
             certain extent, or it may affect the majority of people in many different
             ways. A momentous decision could also be an important decision
             that affects the majority of the population during that certain time
             period, or maybe affects the future populations to come.
             Another point of view of a momentous decision is a once in a lifetime
             event that happens, even if its in a fiction book. Examples of
             momentous decisions vary greatly on topics and time periods. A few
             examples are: the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan,
             Huckleberry Finn's deciding he would rather go to Hell then betray his
             friend Jim, Rosa Park's decision not to move to the back of the bus,
             King Lear's decision to divide his land, the famous court trial; Roe vs.
             Wade, the Dred Scott decision, Romeo and Juliet's decision to be a
             couple, Solidarity's decision to resist the government of Poland, Aung
             San Suu Kyi's decision to resist the government of Myanmar, Martin
             Luther's decision to nail his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the
             Wittenburg Cathedral, the decision of the New York Times to publish
             the Pentagon Papers, Richard Nixon's decision to visit China, etc. As
             shown in the examples above, there were many momentous
             decisions during the past that have affected that certain time period,
             or might even affect present or future time periods as well. One of
             the many momentous decision that affected the mid19th century, 20th
             century, and probably many more centuries to come is the Dred Scott
             The Dred Scott Decision was an important ruling by the
             Supreme Court of the United States on the issue of slavery. The
             decision, which was made up in 1857, declared that African
             American, free or slave, could claim United States citizenship. It also

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Momentous Decisions. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:43, February 23, 2025, from