Rhythmic Gymnastics

             Rhythmic gymnastics is a really genuine and flexible sport. The sport dates way back into the 1800's. The founding of rhythmic gymnastics cannot be directed to one person or movement, but to many great thinkers and control of the body. It wasn't until in the twentieth century that people started to know what rhythmic gymnastics was. A lady by the name of Francis Delsarte (1811-1871) who created a system of gymnastics that dealt with flexibility, strength and coordination. The Delsarte system of gymnastics was never meant to be anything big: but the method, and the healthy philosophies caught the attention of the dance world. As it got known to the world, it became more and more competitive and more gymnastics and props were added. But it wasn't until 1984 that they made rhythmic an individual competitive event in the Olympics. The 1996 Olympics was the first to include group competition. World championships have been held biannually, in succession of host cities, since 1963.
             It is a modern type of gymnastics with the performance of systematic physical exercise with the aid of such hand apparatuses such as ropes, hoops, balls, clubs, and ribbons. The elements include jumps, leaps, pivots, balances, and flexibility movements. Element routines are performed utilizing various pieces. Rhythmic gymnastics is a combination of gymnastic techniques and fluid dance-like movements, choreography, balance and agility with the hand items. Coordination and control are the two main essentials as the gymnast performs in harmony to the selected music beat.
             The ropes are used for the elegant and graceful way you move. The gymnast may leap or jump through the open or folded rope. Rope movements include swings, circles, wraps, figure-eights, and tosses and catches. The rope may be hemp or synthetic rope. The way they would average the size of rope that was needed was by the height of the gymnast. It s

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Rhythmic Gymnastics. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 11:11, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/51146.html