Wife of Bath1

             Sexual relations between men and woman have created issues of life and death from the beginning of time. In most classic Western beliefs it began when Eve with the help of the Devil seduced Adam thus leading the downfall of humanity into an abyss of sin and hopelessness. This issue arises in all literature from Genesis, Chaucer and into modern day. Authors, clerks and writers of all types have aided stereotyping women throughout history and Geoffrey Chaucer is not an exception in most cases. However, in Chaucer's Wife of Bath we can find the beginnings of a new type of woman arising from the dark ages of the post-Roman era. And of course at the center of his character's struggle is sex. As this topic develops, we shall take a brief look into sex, women, the Middle Ages and Chaucer's Wife of Bath as an example of Middle Ages reflections.
             The woman of the Middle Ages tended to be pawns of men in religion, politics and economics (Gies). "Although a woman could
             hold land, inherit it, sell it or give it away and plead for it in law courts, most of a woman's life was spent under the guardian ship of a man" (Gies 41). These set standards for the
             dominance of men during and following much of the Middle Ages. As in the Wife of Bath's case women recovered some rights when they became widows. Sometimes a widow even successfully sued to recover land sold by her husband (Gies 44). "Medieval ideas were far from the Victorian notions that women did not enjoy sex. Physiologically, men and women were considered sexual equals – in fact women were commonly credited with stronger sexual feelings than men" (Gies 48). Another misogynistic theory in the Middle Ages was that women stated that the female seed gradually collected in he womb, increasing sexual desire as it accumulated Gies 48). Menstruation, seen as the equal of male ejaculation provided periodic relief" (Gies). In one case a woman ...

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Wife of Bath1. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 21:16, February 22, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/54329.html