The history of Eastern Europe

             1. The dominant civilization at the time was the Roman Empire.
             2. Western Europe was right behind the Roman Empire in civilization.
             3. With the fall of the Roman Empire, Western civilization fell.
             1. Western Europe began to slit in to seperate counries.
             2. Less people used Latin as a form of communication.
             3. This made international communication difficult.
             4. Many different languages emerged.
             5. Christianity split up with the rise of Protestantism.
             A. There were lees religeous wars.
             B. The last religeous war was in 1648 (The 30 yrs. war)
             2) Approxmiatley 1/3 of the population perished.
             In the early 1830's Faraday discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism
             This allowed for the abilit yot generate electrcity
             Samuel Morse developed the telegraph
             By the late 1800's radios and x-rays were developed
             Scientists discovered that there were such things as elements
             Pastuer discovered what bacteria were
             Charles Darwin worked out the relationship between the species
             He came up with the theory of evolution and Natural Selection
             In France Napoleon III harnesses Nationalism as a motivator tio get thim elected as president.
             THis of course worksmand the people later grant him the status of Emperror.
             TO make the people happy he held frequent votes in the National Assembly but kept little power with them
             Garribaldi holds a revolution and conqueres the southern parts of Itlay then just hands them over to Cavour
             Bismark was running the governemnt for the King
             HE was a conservative Aristcrat and hated the idea of a democracy
             Prussia wars with the Danes, Austria and France and wins them all
             This brings the people of Germany together and they unite under Nationalism
             GErmany becomes the strongest power in Europe
             "Absolutist" Governments in the seventeenth century
             1. Previous kings had more restrictions.
             2. The church had separate power then the government.
             3. Th...

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