Native American Religions

             Native American religions happen to have to real geological boundaries. We can see remnents of them all throughout the Americas. It was not until about 400 years age that a literary basis was formed. And through that basis we can concluded that the religions are based upon nature and personal development.
             It is also concluded that Native American religions are polytheistic. Most of all, nature is personified in spirits and represented in animals. Mother earth is at the heart of belief and it is personified by thunder and lightning. But on another note, there is a High God, also called the Supreme Being, and many natives would call upon this god only in extreme instances. The belief, which I am talking about, is called animism. Because animism consists of the idea that all nature is spiritually alive, it is known that Native Americans have a great respect for nature and barely ever abused it. Examples of this happened before a hunt. A man would pray to the animal he was about to kill and would only kill if it was absolutely needed. After the kill he would later ask for forgiveness.
             There were also rituals made in order to pay respect. In the Aztec culture, human sacrifices were lain out for the gods. Also, the people of the Great Planes held Sun Dances to strengthen themselves for survival.
             Taboos also played a great part into the creation of religion. Taboos were avoided so that spirits would not be offended. An example of this, would be when a woman was
             menstruating she was not allowed near a man about to hunt, for she might destroy his ability to hunt.
             However, ceremonies were conducted to get in touch with the spiritual world. Dance is the most common way ceremonies were conducted. A hunt, war or agriculture is all reasons why a dance might happen. During these ceremonies the whole community participates for long hours at a time. Other ceremonies or rituals are performed by a medicine ma

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Native American Religions. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 23:42, February 22, 2025, from