Herland by Gilman

             "Herland: An Attack on Women's Oppression"
             As a prolific writer in the early 1900's often focusing on the "Gender role question," Charlotte Perkins Gilman influenced thousands of women through her witty and often provocative novels and various other works. Throughout her lifetime she became well known for her discussion on women's topics. With her book Herland (among others), she emerged as a spokesperson of such topics as women's portrayal who portrays what? Gilman, the women or others? and perspectives. She believed strongly that women should be encouraged, from a very early age, to be independent and to work for themselves (Mightymedia.com) webpages get cited in your sentence ("according to. . ."), rather than in parentheses p.700 SFH if you know the author of the document, their name should be in your sentence. This was deemed as a revolutionary thought for her time.
             Gilman wrote with a political and social purpose, not necessarily an artistic one. In fact, her work may lack some of the fine-tuning we might see in other literature (cwrl.utexas.edu). Throughout her works she sends the message to women (and men) that females are independent, able beings and should now be viewed as so. She believed that men and women should share the responsibilities of cooking, cleaning and child rearing (Mightymedia). In a time in which, or when. time is not a "where" women were not yet granted the right to vote for the leaders of their own country 31a1 this was perceived a very radical notion.
             In Herland, the author creates a utopian society made up entirely of women. Through her work, Gillman claims that women's immense potential is being suppressed by their dependency on men. The three male characters visit an island inhabited by a community of women under the rule of Motherhood. In this land motherhood is social, not just biological. Readers observe Terry, Van and Jeff, and their contrasting reactions to a land com...

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Herland by Gilman. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 12:00, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/57009.html