
             2nd Edition of what author Tom Keneally calls his 'contractual bible'
             Advice on Electronic Rights, Agents, Option Clauses, Literary Estates, etc.
             Electronic/Digital Rights: A Handbook for Authors
             Members first copy FREE Non-Members $10.00
             Companion book to Australian Book Contracts
             3. The Australian Publishers Association Directory of Members
             Contact addresses, phone & fax numbers
             Publishers, editors & personnel lists
             Lists types of books published so you can target your manuscript appropriately
             Everything you wanted to know about writing from A to Z
             Information on resource centres, arts organisations & funding bodies
             Discusses genres & markets, book production, legalities & much more
             5. The New South Wales Writers' Centre Journal Directory
             Lists detailed information on local journals, magazines & newspapers that accept submissions
             Identifies poetry, short story, essay, review, article, interview, graphics & photo marketst; Overseas literary journals
             6. 1998 Writers' and Artists' Yearbook
             Local & overseas markets for arciles,

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