The Adventures of Tom sawyer

             This is a story about a young boy named Tom Sawyer who is very mischievous and likes
             to go on adventures. He lives with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid. Tom also had
             two friends named Joe Harper and Huck Finn. Becky Thatcher is Tom's girlfriend and
             Injun Joe is the town's thief and murderer. This story took place in the mid-1800s in a
             small village in Missouri along the Mississippi River.
             The story begins when Aunt Polly has to punish Tom Sawyer for playing hooky from
             school. She orders him to white-wash the fence on a Saturday afternoon. Tom was a smart
             kid, so when he saw a classmate come along he saw an opportunity to get out of work.
             Tom tricked the boy into white-washing the fence for him, and in exchange for the
             opportunity to paint the fence, the boy had to "pay" him an apple. Tom tricked other kids
             too. They all traded something for the opportunity to white-wash the fence. Tom was
             "rich" and the fence was finished in no time. So, Tom went swimming. Aunt Polly was
             That night Tom complained about a tooth that was sore. Aunt Polly tied a string to his
             tooth and then tied the string to a bedpost. She frightened him with a burning piece of
             wood. He jumped back, and the tooth was pulled out. The next day, Tom saw his friend,
             Huck Finn. Huck was the son of the town drunk. Huck had a tick which everyone liked a
             lot. Tom asked if he would swap it for his tooth and Huck said yes. At school they played
             games with the tick instead of working, so they got the switch.
             There was a new girl in town named Becky Thatcher. The first time Tom saw her, he fell
             in love and promised himself that he would win her heart. It only took a couple of minutes
             before they where going out. Then Tom said something he should not have, which made
             Becky mad. So Tom gave her his treasure, a door knob. Becky was still mad, so she threw
             it down. Tom picked it up and ran aw

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The Adventures of Tom sawyer. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 08:47, February 02, 2025, from