Nicolo Machiavelli

             Nicolo Machiavelli was born on May 3,1469, in Florence, Italy. Machavelli was the founder of modern political theory; he was the first great political philosopher of the Renaissance. Machavelli was most famous for his writing of "The Prince" (1513). He wrote the small pamphlet to get a job with the Medici family who ruled Florence during this time period. Because of the writing of "The Prince" (1513) many people believe he is associated with a corrupt, totalitarian government.
             In 1494, Machiavelli was an important bureaucrat and diplomat for Florence, Italy. He put together Florence's army and traveled all over Italy and other parts of Europe on diplomatic missions. During these missions Machiavelli met many Italian rulers, and observed their leadership styles and military tactics. He was very interested in the military strategies and beliefs of soldier Cesare Borgia. Borgia was cruel and deceitful man, this is the way the way Machiavelli portrayed the main character in the "Prince". Machiavelli did not like the way Borgia acted but thought Borgia could unite Italy, which was Machiavelli's life long goal.
             In 1512 lost his job as an important diplomat. This happened when Pope Julius II took over Florence, Italy and put the Medici family back in control. Because, Machiavelli was republican, he lost his job. He was put in prison and tutored for two years because the Medici family thought he was plotting against them. After he was let out of prison, he went back to his home in Florence and for ten years worked on his political books.
             During this time, he wrote the "The Prince". He wrote this to try to impress the Medici family. He dedicated the book to the family; he was hoping to get his job back with the government. Machiavelli thought the political principles he wrote in the "Prince" would be impressive to the Medici because they believed ...

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Nicolo Machiavelli . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 12:22, March 04, 2025, from