
             The Renaissance was a period by which modern scholars consider as that between 1350 –1600. Abundant in this new age was inventions and individualistic beliefs. Changes in music and cultural behavior were some of the most evident development from its predecessor of the Middle ages. Period of new inventions, belief, musical styles of freedom, and individuality. It was a period of exploration and adventure from 1492-1519, which saw the likes of Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan. This was a drastic difference from the Middle Ages where the church held most of the power. The power was slowly transferring to the artist, musician, and people of high society. The word " Renaissance" means rebirth. Used by artist and musician to recover and apply the ancient learning and standards of Greece and Rome. Rich Italian cities, such as Florence, Ferrari, and milanland Venice started the Renaissance Age. Because these cities were very wealthy, people started spending !
             money on different things, such as painting, learning materials, and new systems of government. These were good times for most and because of the ever-changing styles and attitudes towards culture and the church, music was the best buy for the money.
             This all gave rise to a new type of scholar, called the humanist. Humanism was a subject concerned with human kind and the culture. Painters and sculptors now used subjects from classical literature and mythology such as characters from Homers epic poems. Painters like Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci were more interested in realism and used linear perspective in creating their subjects. The nude body was a favorite theme of the ages where as in the Middle Ages was an object of shame and concealment. Artist was no longer regarded as mere artisans, as they were known in the past, but for the first time emerged as independent thinkers. The Catholic Church was far less powerful now than they had been in the M...

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