James Joyce

             In James Joyce's story "Araby", it was supposed to be a simple love story about a young boy who was in loved with his neighbor's sister. But indeed the main point of the story is to demonstrate adolescence of a young boy, the young boy's changed of maturity at the end of the story, and public life in Dublin at that time. One can see that at the end of the story how this city had disillusioned and disappointed this young boy's life and hopes, and reflected the feelings of the boy at the end. The story expressed its theme through the setting, the characterization of the boy and the writer's point of view as the narrator.
             In the story instead of using the first person point of view, the writer was the storyteller, not the naive boy. At the beginning of the story, the writer wrote that, " North Richmond Street, being blind was a quiet street except at the hour when the Christian Brothers' school set the boys free." Although the boys were freed, they were placed into a prison where not even play brought pleasure to them. The writer himself once thought he wanted to be a monk for the Catholic Church. But later he saw the church as a prison. So he wrote in "Araby" about the young boys in a Catholic school. Since Joyce spent most of this childhood in a Catholic School, in which he felt later as an adult that it had been almost a prison in his mind, telling him how to think and act. He often wrote about how he would like to see the strict church open up it's mind to new ideas. He said in the story that, "In time, perhaps there will be a gradual reawakening of the Irish conscience, and perhaps four !
             or five centuries after the Diet of Worms, we will see an Irish Monk throw away his frock, run off with some nun, and proclaim in a loud voice the end of coherent absurdity that was Catholicism and the beginnings of the incoherent absurdity that is Protestantism". Joyce fe

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James Joyce . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 12:08, March 14, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/60521.html