drinking age

             In this country the legal drinking age is 21. Some people feel that it should stay at 21 and other feel that it should be lowered back to 18. I feel that we as a country are going to have a hard time stopping underage drinking. This however is not a reason for why I feel we should not lower the drinking age.
             Some people feel that if it is legal for eighteen year-olds to die for their country, and it is legal for eighteen year-olds to marry, and it is legal for eighteen year-olds to vote. Then why isn't it legal for eighteen year-olds to drink? I do think that these people make a great point. Changing the drinking age to eighteen could have quite a few advantages. Some of which include: learning your limits, more people would not try it just because it was illegal, and they would not have a record if caught consuming legal amounts of alcohol. I think the reason a lot of youth drink alcohol is because the feel they are being rebellious. They like the feeling of going against the system. If you ask someone who drank alot before they were 21 now they might feel less inclined to drink. Maybe it's because they are more mature,and responible but I doubt that. I think it is because it's legal. There's no allure to drinking anymore. There's no drama, no excitement, no tension, and no fe!
             ar. Now it is only alcohol.You should be allowed to consume alcohol like every other legal adult, that is over twenty-one, in America. The consequences for public intoxication, DUI, and DWI should still hold true though. For every thing else in the nation eighteen is of legal age. The old and overly used saying, still sums up the truth the best though; you can take a bullet for your country, but you can't take a drink. .
             For the most part, the drinking age does not deter young people from drinking. Studies have shown that lowering the legal age slightly increases the frequency that people drink, but not the number of people who drink; people who do ...

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drinking age . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 05:54, February 02, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/61072.html