Thomas Paine

             Andrew Doody wrote in his discussion that " I really don't know much about him (Thomas Paine) from history class". Neither do I. It is very important that people are educated about Thomas Paine as he played an important role in the gaining of independence from Britian and the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. It is my aim in this paper to discuss Paine's life, and the writing of Common Sense in order to prove that Paine was just as important a figure as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Jay and all the rest of our founding fathers.
             Thomas Paine was born on January 29, 1737. This time period is now known as the revolutionary period, which according to Dr. Reagan began circa 1750. Also stated by Dr. Reagan is that this time period is distinguished by practicality and reasoning and it can be easily stated that Thomas Paine possessed both. Susan Dooner's description of Paine's life illustrates his practicality and reasoning. "He went to school for a few years but stopped to help out his family". Aside from seeming like a compassionate, caring act this is no doubt a practical act. Stated in Ms. Dooner's discussion, as well as in countless others, is that after holding, and losing the position as officer of the excise twice he took some good advice from a man he met in London. Benjamin Franklin met Paine in London and could see promise and intelligence in him and suggested that he immigrate to America. Franklin also offered to sponsor Paine and write him a letter of recommendation. So Paine, being bo!
             th practical and reasonable, took Franklin up on his offer and landed at Philadelphia on November 30, 1773.
             When Paine arrived America was on the brink of revolution. (Dooner). According to Megan Zewe, Paine began as a publisher and later wrote and published "African Slavery in American" in 1775. He discussed that slavery was unjust and inhumane and denounced it&ap...

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Thomas Paine . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 21:39, February 22, 2025, from