Globalization: Future of the World?

             A professor at the University of London, Institute for Advanced Studies in the Political Sciences and Humanities, George Modelski; writes "Globalization is a process along three dimensions: formation of world opinion, democratization, and political globalization." Arnold Toynbee's essay "For the First Time in 30,000 Years" said a lot about the future of the world and the possible discontinuation of the human species by humans ourselves. This clearly reiterates Modelski's sentiments. This quote also shows that even today there is a sense for a need of political unity in the world.
             British philosopher and historian, Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975), gave us a historical view of the world, examined contemporary life and prophesied about the future in this essay written in 1972. Toynbee it tells a grim tale of man's self-destruction without globalization. He said nuclear proliferation, the destruction of our habitat by the despoliation of nature and the depletion of our natural resources, and the population explosion are three man-made menaces to our future. Modelski's quote deals with exactly this-our need to achieve the fulfillment of his three "dimensions" the world needs to unite technologically, economically, socially, culturally, and most importantly politically. To some extent we are addressing these problems in different ways; such as the World Wide Web, the World Bank and the IMF, and the United Nations, but with all of these things nations still operate basically alone, without political unity.
             There have been examples of this political unity in history, the main one that comes to mind in the "classical" Greek. The Greeks were divided throughout their history with the individual City-States until they were absorbed into the Roman Empire. From the time of the decline of the Roman Empire until present day there has been political disunity. In the Middle Ages (500-15...

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Globalization: Future of the World? . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 17:54, February 26, 2025, from