Primary Text: James Henry

             A Concept is born nurtured and powered by recognized information that has been gathered from years, decades, and centuries of facts and theories. When put together with raw materials and a passionate drive it becomes a work of art. You have just created your prototype, your original masterpiece, but what happens when you become a pioneer? What happens when what you have put together through blood sweet and tears and pure creativity hits the mainstream towards the main majority of the public? The answer is Negative and Positive Criticism; A Secondary Source. This secondary source is, in my opinion, the placenta of a primary text. It is what I believe to be the only relationship between a primary text and a secondary source.
             A secondary source is what usually is formulated from an original piece, a "second hand" story where everything is broken a part piece by piece and analyzed critically. I never thought of a secondary source of information as a crucial aspect of a primary literary source because the second source normally just summarizes the first and adds that reader's opinion of the original piece while it was being read.
             It's like watching a movie, then adding your smart little remarks during the premier viewing. No one really wants to hear what you have to say, and they urge you to keep silent. I would have to be really stoned or unoccupied for some time to actually go through the whole process of writing a secondary source. A secondary source I read based on the primary text derived from "The Aspern Papers" was Hartsock's piece. Hartsock's piece did not only include her own views and criticism, but also of other literary critics, some of which we have already covered. For example, she lists several writers (Charles G. Hoffman, Walter F. Wright, and Osborn Andreas) to share the opinion that the narrator was "evil, invasive, and annoying". The writing methods employed by Hartsock have theref...

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Primary Text: James Henry . (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 08:10, February 23, 2025, from