
             Damn Yankees
             This book was a very good book it was about the New York Yankees and how they were at the time in the forties. They were a very good team going through many changes in the team and management.
             My personal experience is that when I was little I got to meet some of the players that are on the team today, and know they dominate the league like they did then. They have won the World Series twenty-eight times since the franchise has started. The franchise was good on the field, and in the management offices to.
             The community in this book was Yankee Stadium and on the road, there were many things that they stayed in. They lived in house in the off-season, and stayed in hotels not up to the standards that we have today in modern hotel accommodations.
             The Characters in this book were the managers, Bill Dickey was replaced for Casey Stengel as manager, and many people questioned that call like critics, fans, players, and even players for his own team. Casey Stengel led the Yankees to win the Pennant against the best team the Boston Red Sox in nineteen forty-nine. Another main character was Yogi Berra the catcher that everyone believed was a great hitter but not a great catcher. Later a coach helped him and made him better and Yogi eventually won the starting catching job. Whitey Ford was one of the best left handed pitchers in the game that made a great combination with Yogi Berra behind the plate for him. Mickey Mantle was one of the best; he was more shaped for a football prospect than a baseball one. In nineteen fifty-one his rookie year he had a slump, his dad had driven from Oklahoma just to see him and Mickey thought his father would tell him to hang in there and don't give up, but instead his father yelled at him fo!
             r five minutes calling him a quitter and a coward.

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