Darker side of Robert Frost

             Robert Frost is often referred to as a poet of nature. Words and phrases such as fire and ice, flowers in bloom, apple orchards and rolling hills, are all important elements of Frost's work. Remove them and something more than symbols are taken away. These 'benign' objects provide an alternative way to look at the world and are often used as metaphors to describe a darker view of nature and humans. In Frost's poetry, the depth is as important as the surface. The darker aspects of Frost's poetry are often portrayed through the use of symbolism, vivid imagery, and selective word choice. Frost's poems appear to be simple on the surface, yet upon further scrutiny the poems reveal themselves as elusive. Frost utilizes ordinary objects to create a deeper meaning. For example, the poem "Mending Wall", appears to be about the differences between two neighbors and their ideas on rebuilding a wall. On the other hand, the wall may be viewed, in a more general sense, as a symbol to repres!
             ent all the antagonistic or mistrustful barriers that divide man from man. "The gaps I mean No one has seen them made or heard them made But at spring mending-time we find them there" (lines 9-11), illustrates the point that people become separated without even realizing it because we become so caught up in what is happening in our own lives. The darkness, held within the afore mentioned quotation, is the feeling of sadness. The fact that we do not take notice of one another creates a place that becomes more and more divided by differences. Likewise, the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" seems to represent the change of seasons. But further analysis reveals that the speaker is also paralleling the cycles of life with the change in seasons. "So dawn goes down to day" (7) illustrates that in life as in nature, golden moments fade away. "Then leaf subsides to leaf" (5) implies autumn, when the leaves begin to turn gold and fall

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Darker side of Robert Frost. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 14:13, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/67939.html