HHistorical Views of Psychological Disorders

             The meaning of abnormality has gone through many drastically different changes throughout history. It went from supernatural forces, demons, and witchcraft, to physical illness. Where exactly does the line of normality end and abnormality begin? There are numerous behavioral disorders that are discussed throughout the chapter that clearly show where that line ends and begins.
             The mind is a place where all of our thoughts, actions, and desires are born. The mind is very complex and intriguing. I believe that as mental health professionals learn more and more exactly how complex the mind is, the more they learn how complex the disorders of the mind are. I chose this particular chapter because I’ve always been very fascinated with the mind and what’s going through people minds when they display abnormal behaviors. In a sense just wanting to know why people do the crazy things that they do.
             Perspectives on Psychological Disorders
             Mental health professionals define abnormal behavior as either maladaptive life functioning and/or serious personal discomfort. Society’s perspective is based upon the breaking of the "norms". For example going against what’s socially expected. Individual perspective is if the person is content with their life and well being.
             Historical Views of Psychological Disorders
             Hippocrates had a more naturalistic view of psychological disorders. It wasn’t until the nineteenth century that mental illness received systematic scientific attention because of Hippocrates’ approach. He maintained that mental illness was like any other sickness. This came about as a result of people in the earlier centuries often attributing psychological disorders to supernatural forces. The supernatural view of abnormal behavior really dominated early societies.
             Conflicting Theories of the Nature, Causes, and Treatment of Psychological Disorders
             The biological, psychoanalytic, and cognitive-be...

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HHistorical Views of Psychological Disorders . (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 12:07, March 14, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/68807.html