Women in african literature

             The way of life in Africa especially that of African women have a strong bearing on the way they are presented African literature. African writers have had different experiences and have all from these obtained their own personal perceptions of what it means to be a woman in Africa and have reflected it in their writings. With reference to 'The Voice' and July's People it is clear that women in African Literature have been portrayed as generally inferior but despite this generalization she is attributed some 'masculine' qualities and thus her strengths are highlighted. The writers' comments on women at times border on subtle condescension, whose roots will be delved into forthwith in this essay.
             The male tradition of African literature has come increasingly under attack for the subservient image that the African male writer has given of African women. They have been portrayed as passive, as always prepared to do the bidding of their husbands and family, as having no status of their own and therefore completely dependant of their husbands this is seen when Bam from 'July's People' refers to the women in his family as having to do everything, harvest the food, cook wash and tend to most of their needs. Even though that this has been the case in many cultures, it is the anomaly that has not been addressed. Women are hardly ever seen as having any coherent mind of their own, and in the event that they are, they are automatically labeled with a myriad of derogatory titles. In 'The Voice Tuere is labeled as a witch because she does not give in to the norms of her society in that she doesn't yield to their bidding. '' "She had been a girl of unusual habits, keeping to herself and speaking to herself. She didn't flirt with boys though she had a hunger-killing beauty. So it was in the insides of everyone that perhaps she had not the parts of a woman." So s...

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Women in african literature. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 15:45, February 08, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/7047.html