In 1973, 904 abortions were preformed in New York and in 1992 only 694. America's concern's over abortion and under what circumstances it should be allowed was catapulted into controversy on January 22 1973. On that day the U.S Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a Texas law prohibiting an abortion except for the propose of saving a women's life by a vote of 7-2.
The decision reached after two presentations before the court invalidated abortion laws in 46 states. The court declared
1. In the first three months of pregnancy the abortion decision must be left to the women and her doctor.
2. In the interest of protecting women's health, states may restrict but not prohibit abortion s in the second or third trimesters of pregnancy
3. In the last three months of pregnancy states may regulate or even prohibit abortions to protect the life of the fetus except when medical judgment determines that an abortion is necessary to save the life of the mother.
Jane Roe later identified as Norma McCorvey had sought an abortion in Texas but since her life was not in danger she was unable to obtain a legal abortion in Texas. This case was fought to challenge the constitutionality of the Texas law aiming to establish a new constitutional right allowing women to control their own bodies. The US district court for northern Texas declared abortion law unconstitutional but declined to grant injunctive relief to the plaintiffs. Roe and Wade appealed the court decision. During the Supreme Court hearing the court had been concerned with the rights of an unborn fetus. The case was eventually focused on amendment 14 of the constitution, which is the right to privacy protected under due process.
People began to protest that the Supreme Court ignored state legislation in the expressed constitutional provisions in history.
Today's debate over abortion remains as harsh as when it first began.