Comparing Catholics and Baptists

             Baptists and Catholics are similar in that they both believe that man is a fallen creature. They both believe that sin must be confessed in order to achieve forgiveness. They also share the sacraments of communion and baptism, yet they treat them very differently in a formal church service. People believe that Baptists and Catholics are similar in their beliefs when it comes to sin, the sacrament of communion, and baptism. However, there are theological differences in the way atonement is achieved and the sacraments of communion and baptism are viewed by the congregation of believers.
             Baptists believe that man, as a sinner must acknowledge the sin, ask forgiveness from God through his son Jesus, and repent and turn away from that sin. Baptists believe that one on one prayer, asking Jesus to forgive your sin will result in your forgiveness and that the slate will be wiped clean so to speak. Catholics believe that to find atonement for your sin, you must confess the sin before a priest in a private confessional area. The priest takes on the role of Christ as he forgives the sin, and gives the individual in specific instructions on how to achieve forgiveness. The sin isn't atoned for until the priest instructions are followed to the letter.
             Communion in the Protestant Baptist religion is an outward acknowledge of Christ sacrifice on the cross for the entire world. Baptists are given individual servings of grape juice used as a symbol of the blood of Christ and wafers or bread as a symbol of the body of Christ. They partake of this sacrament as one body at the same time. They do not believe that the juice and bread are the bodies of Christ. Catholics use wine which has been blessed by the priest, and by his blessing become that literal blood of Christ. The bread, also blessed by the priest becomes the flesh of Jesus. The parishioners file up one by one so that the priest my place the bread on their tongue. The wine is in a challis ...

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Comparing Catholics and Baptists. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 03:01, February 23, 2025, from