Robert Frost

             In Robert frost poems, he operates on so many levels that to interpret his poems can cause the reader to misunderstand them completely. He focuses his works on his experiences of life which includes irony and imagery themes in which he gives contradictions of life and human nature. Robert Frost is a well-known American poet who wrote about his own beliefs of life in his poetry. The poems that I have chosen are "The Road Not Taken," "Mending Wall" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." "Most of his poetry is concerned how people interact with their environment, and though he saw the beauty of nature, and also saw its potential danger ("Frost, Robert")." "Although Frost concentrates on ordinary subject matter, he evokes a wide variety of emotions, and his works often shift dramatically to humorous tones to tragic ones ("Frost, Robert")."
             Robert Frost was born in San Francisco, California. When Frost was 11 years old his father died of tuberculosis. The Frost family moved to live with some relatives in Massachusetts, where his father wanted to buried. Frost attended school in Lawrence, Massachusetts and he began to write poetry. Frost attended Dartmouth College briefly but withdrew during his first year and went to work. In 1895 he married Elinor White. The couple eventually had six children, two of whom died at a young age. Frost went back to school in 1897 to 1899 at Harvard College, but he left before receiving a degree.
             He continued to write poetry, but he was unsuccessful in getting them published. To seek a better opportunity, Frost sold his farm and moved to England in 1912. His books of poems "A Boy's Will" was one of the first to be printed by a publisher in England in 1913. His second collection of poems, North of ...

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Robert Frost. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 14:21, March 04, 2025, from