
             The Zealots were Jewish revolutionaries in the first century Judaea, whose religious zeal lead them to fight to the death against Roman domination, and to kill or persecute Jews who collaborated with the Romans. Zealots fought their way to freedom from enslavement, by not giving up the battle (Hasting 441).
             Scholars disagree as to whether the name Zealots referred to all revolutionary groups of the first century, or only one of the groups active during the Roman-Jewish War of 66-70 A.D. Josephus Flavius (37-100 A.D.) the Jewish general who surrendered to the Romans and whose official Roman history of the war furnishes the major source, is unclear in his use of terminology (Hastings 441).
             In 6 A.D. Judah the Galilean showed zeal for God's law and land. The Zealots movement began as a protest against the census when Coponius was procurator of Judea. The outbreak did not occur in Judea, but in Galilee, which was not directly affected by the census. The oppression of the Seleucids also lead to the rise of the Zealots. Judah and his followers fought to cleans the land by taking vengeance against Jews who cooperated with the Romans. Judah considered such behavior to be idol worship of a lord other than God. He and his followers honored God by seeking vengeance on the Romans. Although the revolt failed, Judah had come up with the Fourth Philosophy which stated "No Lord but God". Judah's followers emerged again after all of Judah became a Roman province in 44 A.D. Their next revolutionary actions against the corrupt authorities contributed to the outbreak of war in 66 A.D. The Herodian dynasty formed a crisis in Jewish history (Elidae 559).
             Their were five main groups that took part in fighting this war. The Sicariis fought for the "No Lord but God" philosophy under Judas descendants. They were captured by the Romans in 74 A.D. John of Giscala was the leader of the Galileans. He gain...

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Zealots. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:11, February 22, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/74464.html