Hitlers Killing Factories

             Hitler's rise to power following World War I was nothing short of mercurial. He was able to rise to this position of dominance by offering Germans a chance to shed the fetters imposed upon them by the Treaty of Versailles. As a master of rhetoric and deception he was able to place the blame for the loss of World War One on the subversive forces within Germany. Number one on this list of subversives were the Jews. Through propaganda in support of nationalism and social Darwinism he made it obvious that Germany must rid itself of negative forces that reduced the purity of the master race. In this way the Jews became scapegoats of Germany's decline and decay socially, politically and militarily. The leaders of the Riech deemed it neccessary to remove the blemish on their pure society, covertly at first and then successively in a more principled and well orchestrated program of genocidal activity, known to them as the Final Solution.
             Hitler's idea to eradicate the Jews was conceived long before he became Chancellor in 1933. Murdering an entire people was a daunting, but for Hitler, a necessary task designed for the restoration of Germany and the "master race". The logistics and economics behind the plan of mass genocide required the investment of excessive amounts of time, labour and money. Despite the high cost of the operation Nazi leaders felt the solution must be imposed in order to cleanse the Fatherland.
             Social restrictions, exclusion and alienation were the first of the progressive steps taken to disenfranchise German Jewry. In the face of the threats of an escalating war in the east and the entry of the United States into the global conflict following Pearl Harbor, the answer to the Jewish question became increasingly imminent as Hitler felt he no loner needed to shroud his intentions.
             The Final Solution was the vision of Adolph Hitler, but its architects were Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler...

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Hitlers Killing Factories. (1969, December 31). In MegaEssays.com. Retrieved 18:06, March 04, 2025, from https://www.megaessays.com/viewpaper/74822.html