Erin Brockovich

             For this paper, I watched the movie Erin Brockovich because it represents numerous social problems. This movie was about a single mother who is trying to raise three young children, while trying to hold down a good job. She also had a very hard time finding adequate daycare for her children. One day, Erin Brockovich was filing papers at a lawyer's office when she came across this real estate document. This real estate document said that Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) was going to buy this family's house to build freeway ramp to their company. For some reason, this document intrigued Erin, and so she went to investigate it. She went and talked to the family whose house was in the process of being bought by PG&E and this family had numerous medical problems. Erin went and investigated some water documents about PG&E, and what she uncovered was a massive water contamination cover-up. This family had no idea that their illnesses were the result of water contamination or even that their illnesses had anything in common. PG&E paid them to see a doctor, and PG&E paid the doctor to say that their illnesses had nothing in common. In fact, all these illness were caused by Hexavalent poising. PG&E used Hexavalent Chromium to cool their towers down faster, and they discarded this water in holding ponds. These holding ponds were supposed to be lined, but they were not and the contaminated water seeped into the ground water supply. The holding ponds had been covered up with dirt since PG&E received a clean up and abatement order a few years back. Erin found over 600 people in the town of Hinkley, California that became ill because of the contaminated water supply. Due to their deviant behavior, the law firm where Erin works for ends up suing PG&E on behalf of the 600 plus people for punitive damages.
             This movie has two main topics of discussion, single parenting and environmental
             pollution. Erin is a single mother w...

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Erin Brockovich. (1969, December 31). In Retrieved 07:42, February 23, 2025, from